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I need the ability to adjust the tint of the blue/red so you could make it green/red like some glasses are. My current glasses don't work well at all!

This is very easy to test afterwards too. You just put the one colour on the screen, a big green block and look through your glasses on the green one. You would just keep making it lighter or darker until it cancelles itself out, meaning you can't see it on your screen any more, its completely 100% filtered now. Do this for the other side of your glasses and THEN would the video work flawlessly with ANY set of two colour glasses. PLEASE add this in! Also please add in the ability to change colour to the opposite side of the glasses too in the settings. If you want help, I'm a great beta tester with experience, email if interested.

DeeZaster, 27.02.2012, 12:44
Idea status: under consideration


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